Commissions GPT Review: World’s most powerful Affiliate AI software

 What Is Commissions GPT?

Commissions GPT Review: World’s most powerful Affiliate AI software

I've made over $250,000 with AI + my own custom software.

Now it’s YOUR turn to…

Learn how to ACTUALLY BANK COMMISSIONS with AI in 2023!

Here's what you get with THE COMMISSIONS GPT SUITE...

> World’s most powerful Affiliate AI software  - I’ve been making six-figures as an affiliate for over a decade now, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s this: us “super affiliates” promote the same type of offers in the same type of way we’ve always done.  So… what if I trained up a CUSTOM CHAT-GPT AI MODEL.. To build my campaigns (and those of all the other super affiliates), and then just hand you the software, trained up on over ten million dollars’ worth of campaigns!

The end result would be an AI suite that generates commissions on tap, 24/7. All YOU need to do is PASTE a few words about the affiliate program, and the ultra-charged AI Chat-GPT custom app literally does the rest.

I’ve made over $100/day, $400/day.. even $2500/day ()! with this AI model, and all you have to do is paste some text in to create the same campaigns as me.

> DFY Campaigns (Updated Daily - The “Golden Eggs”) 

This AI custom model really does make affiliate promotions a breeze! And to prove it to you, alongside the core software (which you can deploy to any affiliate program), I’m also including a software which is pre-loaded with campaigns for some of today’s top affiliate programs. I’ve handed the model to my staff and - with enfeebled knowledge of marketing or copywriting - they can create world-class campaigns, banners, email swipes, websites and videos in seconds! 

Overview of the Product

VendorChris X
ProductCommissions GPT
Launch Date2023-Oct-14
Launch Time11:00 EDT
Front-End Price$15
Sales Page
RecommendedHighly Recommended
Skill Level All Levels

What You Can Do With GPT Commissions In 2023 (This Is Not Your Grand-Uncle's Affiliate-Marketing!)

  • Clone 50x $100k Affiliate Campaigns
  • Launch Instant Affiliate Websites
  • Create 2000-Word PDF Ebooks In 3 Clicks (Just Paste 10-100 Words!)
  • Create Instant Software Tools (REALLY!)
  • Sell eBooks + Software + Make 100% (Yes! Custom Cloud-Based Software.. Seriously!!)
  • Give Away eBooks & Software As Aff Bonuses
  • Promote $1k Offers ($500 Commissions)
  • Create eCovers + Logos (Unlimited - These Brand Your AI-Made Software)
  • World's First Custom Chat-GPT Affiliate Model
  • Copy A $35k/Month Super Affiliate TODAY (Now, Oct 2023)
  • FINALLY Learn Something NEW About Affiliate Marketing
  • Do All The Stuff That "Took Too Much Time" Previously
  • Get RESELL/White-Label Rights To Unreleased "CopySniper GPT"
  • Get 3+ Hours Of AI/GPT Training When You Join (20x Videos!)
  • Read My Quick-Start PDF Guide (With My Top AI Tools, Updated
  • Includes AI Whisperer (Classic Bonus, Launch Week Only!)
  • Includes BonusPage Builder App (Now GPT Connected For 2023!)
  • Give Away (And Use!) 50+ Of My Top-Selling Software As Bonuses
  • Get On My List (*ahem* #1 AI/GPT Nerd Marketer Alert)
  • DAILY Stream Of New Affiliate Offers (In App #2)
  • I Break ALL GPT/AI News EARLY (Profiting With AI? I LIVE This)
  • PLUS.. Create Graphics With MidJourney, iDeogram + More
  • PLUS.. Create Human-Sounding Voices
  • PLUS.. Master GPT + GPT Plus (Bonus Videos)
  • PLUS.. Create Instant AI-Based "Live Actor" Videos
  • PLUS UK-Based Support
  • ..PLUS Regular AI Webinars!

Some Amazing Features of Commissions GPT

> Introducing Custom AI Models OK. So what does the software do? Well, Chat-GPT has an option to train "your own model". As you know, I basically LIVE in the AI nerd cave, and so I've decided to build my own models in two exciting ways (which you wouldn't have previously considered...)

> World's First Custom Chat-GPT Affiliate Software OK here's where things get.. insane. I basically trained the AI up on successful affiliate campaigns (my own and other people's) and created a CUSTOM Chat-GPT model. The end result is an app that creates fresh new campaigns every time, irrespective of the affiliate promo. But that's not all... > Golden Goose... AND All It's Golden Eggs?? One thing I've learned is.. not everyone is as... anti-socially OBSSESSED with Language Models as me. They don't want my nerdlyness. They just want my BANK BALANCE. Consequently, as well as the core software (which you can run as you please), I'm also giving you a new affiliate site which is preloaded with affiliate programs (on Warrior, ClickBank, JVZoo etc), with PRE-MADE campaigns that the AI builds for us. And so.. if you're too lazy (or disinterested) to even run the software, then you can simply steal our campaigns (that we ourselves will create with the AI). You can think of this as your own private affiliate calendar, spitting out $100-$10k campaigns on auto, 24/7. Oh, and did I mention... > This AI Makes Me BANK In the three weeks that I've been using this new CUSTOM AI, I've been making THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS every week (sometimes daily), ON TOP of my existing business. I almost bailed on this launch because... maybe I should hold onto it myself. The final page may actually just be a long gallery of proof shots. The tool builds dozens of high-value affiliate campaigns, while giving you various extras, bonuses, resell rights etc - so your affiliate game will level up on about fifty fronts. TRUST ME.. I've shed my "standard Chat-GPT" skin, and am a whole new ebast. Expect proof for Google, email, ClickBank, Warrior, Upwork, freelancers, traffic, affiliate, launches, promos, all the good stuff... And the really NUTS bit is... some of our bonuses were originally listed as "stand-alone" launches for later in the year. But I just keep on getting further ahead. What seemed like a marquee launch in Feb is now not even worthy of a bonus. I can't wait for demo access! > AI Training Videos OK. This software is cut-paste, hand-puppet stuff, like "copy this and go". Consequently, I won't be going crazy with training. There will likely be a few training videos and a single (slightly longer than usual) PDF which breaks down how it all works. This is going to be eye-opening stuff, though! In short, I'm the only one who knows how to do all this. The software is the only tool like this. And this AI.. is the biggest thing to happen to us Internet folk since Google dropped in 99. Serious...

5 Amazing Member Benefits

Commissions GPT Review: World’s most powerful Affiliate AI software


*NEW* Chat-GPT Affiliate Software (6-in-1) That Made Us $550+/Day: PRELOADED!

Paste words into AI. Watch as AI returns with pre-made affiliate campaigns.. and bonuses.. that made us pre-approved commmissions. Basically I found a way to take my $100k of campaigns, and set them up as templates. Then, I use a second PRE-TRAINED model, to build CUSTOM bonuses just for the offer. The AI spits out SIX - 3x software and 3x ebooks - PER COPY-PASTE, and I then pick the one I like and click again to build out. And voila! An instant affiliate review page, hosted, with custom bonuses setup.. pre-trained on a data set of affiliate campaigns - mine and other super affiliates - that made over $1,500,000). All YOU need to do is paste text from any website and watch as the AI applies my commands to YOUR specific niche or website. This is what makes my 1-2 AI suite so profitable this October...


30x Affiliate Campaigns - DFY Software (A.I Has $150k+ PRE-MADE Affiliate Campaigns In Its Database)

Commissions GPT Review: World’s most powerful Affiliate AI software

REALLY.. it's sooo simple to use the GPT Commissions Suite. I should know.. I've been using this for years now (albeit, without the AI element you now get). Here's the trick: spend weeks preparing a template to perfection, and then use it over and over, for ANY template. Now you get ALL my templates - that made over $150k - ready to be tweaked to ANY niche in seconds. These are PROVEN commission-getting templates, deployable to your own website instance, in just a few clicks


Create 6x eCovers, Logos, Brand Names, Products, eBooks.. By Pasting.. Once!

Commissions GPT Review: World’s most powerful Affiliate AI software

This would be the MAIN EVENT for any other offer -- I found a way to use Chat-GPT (and some other "loophole" I will share in the members area) to make UNLIMITED ecovers, logos and media. This is VITAL to make our AI-generated ebooks & software seem high-value (which is why we can quickly make $100+ for any affiliate program we target). The AI will not only build our digital products, it will market them too!...


Affiliate Review Page Bonus Builder.. Now Powered By Chat-GPT!

Commissions GPT Review: World’s most powerful Affiliate AI software

Now that you're building your review videos with GPT.. you'll want to build your sites with GPT too. And guess what.. you can do it by combining my CLASSIC CommissionBuilder app (over 4,000 sold) with Chat-GPT. All YOU need to do is paste into Chat-GPT and it will spit out your bonus page, with instant HOSTING for both the page and buyers' page (or export the zip to your own site). Create unlimited pages in seconds..


Case Studies & Training Videos

Commissions GPT Review: World’s most powerful Affiliate AI software

Really, the whole process is so simple, we shouldn't even need these. But I will do a full breakdown of how each of the systems work, along with case studies on how I made $150k+ with AI already in 2023. Oh, and I also do free training webinars and update my tools into the future ..

Fast Action Bonuses If You Buy Today

Fast Action Bonus #1

"$150k in 2023 With AI" Case Studies (NEW)

Commissions GPT Review: World’s most powerful Affiliate AI software

2023. The year I went ALL IN on AI. I generated over $150k in 2023, all using AI, and with a range of AI tools, all of which are automated via Commissions GPT. But, as well as the automation I'll give you a full "case study" breakdown on specifically what I did, logging into accounts, showing you "over the shoulder" proof so you can replicate me...

Fast Action Bonus #2

The "Fill In The Blanks" AI Software

Commissions GPT Review: World’s most powerful Affiliate AI software

While AI can do maybe 90% of the workload, there's still that stubborn 10%. Luckily, I've built over 100x markeitng software tools. I'll give you half a dozen of these - which sold over $300,000 and would be $200+ if bought separately today - which "fill in the blanks" on any element of my system that the AIs can't do. I toyed with including these as separate upsells, but fair is fair - and you can have these on me.

Fast Action Bonus #3

Lifetime Access To Our AI Insiders Club

Commissions GPT Review: World’s most powerful Affiliate AI software

When you become a Commissions GPT insider, you'll get lifetime access to our AI Insiders Club. I'm basically living and breathing Generative-AI at this point, so expect updates, webinars, free training, new software tools and much more. I find the best way to keep my list happy is with quality content. Trust me, this is gonna be a fun year and you have front-row seats....

Fast Action Bonus #4

*STOP THE PRESSES* $20k Give-Away + Reseller Bonuses

Commissions GPT Review: World’s most powerful Affiliate AI software

One of the reasons I'm able to smash launches and affiliate promos so effortlessly is because my BONUSES are on another level. Now as part of the core "Commissions GPT" app you get a software that generates these bonus pages for you... but it's worth stating that.. you also get the bonuses! These are TEN software tools that cost me over $20k to build.. made me over $300k in sales.. and are now yours to give-away as bonuses, resell in your own packages, or simply use yourself (like I say these are REAL SaaS cloud-based apps that sold over $300k, so they are ultra-high-value!)

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ)

Q:1 What Is Commissions GPT?

Ans. The world's first app suite that REVOLUTIONIZES affiliate marketing. A while back I realized I couldn't spend as much time on my affiliate business as I needed to focus on my AI projects. I asked my developer to build my 2x software tools to automate everything... and my income went UP! Now, after months of secrecy, I'm giving YOU the chance to join me in this feeding frenzy. PLUS, I'm including training, recent case-studies.. and pre-made templates, campaigns & bonuses that made me over $150k -- all pre-loaded into the software!

Q:2 How can I use AI to generate $xxx to $x,xxx per day?

Ans. You can login to the "Commissions GPT" software INSANTLY in your browser. Then use the same methods that made us money. I spend VERY LITTLE time on my affiliate business, with the AI basically doing everything. Consequently, I have TWO software tools I'm including here. The first is called "Commissions Builder" and it lets you enter any affiliate link and generate complete affiliate campaigns (copy, site, hosting, bonus pages, members page, etc) using a CUSTOM GPT model, and working off of my proven $150k affiliate campaigns (just load + tweak). The SECOND app is called "AI Builder" and it basically builds you bonuses for any offer, in the form of ebooks and software (with logo, ecover and marketing copy all created too)... In 2023, affiliate marketing is broken. Let's revive it!

Q:3 Does This Only Work With Affiliate Marketing?

Ans. Not at all. Software tool #1 actually lets you build ENTIRE custom digital products - both ebooks & software - just by entering a few words about your niche. These can be given away as bonuses for affiliate promos (like I do, check the above proof!) - BUT they can ALSO be sold as stand-alone products. YES, the app LITERALLY creates new, unique ebooks and cloud-based, password-protected AI-powered software... in seconds!

Q:4 Does this really work with any website? I just copy-paste?

Ans. Yes, Commissions GPT really does work with any website. You just copy chunks of text from your website (or an affiliate offer, or one of your competitors) then paste into the AI. For best results we recommend you copy-paste at least 50 words. It's THE fastest way to create instant affiliate campaigns - or indeed entire digital products - with ZERO tech skills needed. EVER!

 Q:5 I am a retired, confused technophobe. Will this help?

Ans. The good thing about AI is no-one else knows how to use it either.. except me. That's why I am writing this course in crayons. It's hand-puppet time, but by the end even confused newbies will become grizzled Jon Connors. Like I say, these AI models I've built are intended to create campaigns at MY level (a refined, veteran two-comma marketer). But.. they are babyish-simple to run. If you're looking for a NEW way to profit as an affiliate (without having to live in the tech-trenches yourself), THIS is the chance to FINALLY unlock something new...

 Q:6 How can I start to make money with AI today?

Ans. Like I say, the core software is very step-by-step stuff. Between the two AIs included in this suite, you have everything needed to start launching super profitable campaigns with GPT AI, and FINALLY start generating commissions THIS October, on Warrior, ClickBank, JVZoo.. ANYWHERE! This is an insanely powerful software suite, but the price jumps HOURLY so jump on this while you still can...

Parveen Insan

Social Media Manager || Professional Blogger || Affiliate Marketer || Business Marketing || Website Developer

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