Ink AI Review: Turn ANYTHING Into eBook Or Flipbook…

Ink AI Review: Turn ANYTHING Into eBook Or Flipbook…

What’s Ink AI

The world’s first AI powered app that generates eBooks, Flipbooks, Reports, Whitepapers, and Sales Presentations... ​

Comes prefilled with 100% human-like content… ​

…and a built-in marketplace where you can sell your eBooks and receive instant payments via multiple methods, including Paypal, Stripe, Cards, and Bank Accounts…

Turn ANYTHING Into eBook Or Flipbook…

Whatever you have… ​ Ink AI can turn it into a fully designed eBook or Flipbook… ​

You can use: Keyword, URL, Blog Post, Any Website, Article, Questions and even your voice to generate full eBook/Flipbook within seconds.

Product Overview


Ink AI

Launch Date2024-Apr-01
Launch Time10:00 EDT
Front-End Price$27
Official Site
RecommendedHighly Recommended 
Skill Level All Levels

Turn ANYTHING Into eBook Or Flipbook… Whatever you have… Ink AI can turn it into a fully designed eBook or Flipbook… You can use:

Ink AI Review: Turn ANYTHING Into eBook Or Flipbook…


Ink AI Review: Turn ANYTHING Into eBook Or Flipbook…

Ink AI Review: Turn ANYTHING Into eBook Or Flipbook…

Anything, Ink AI will take it and research, format, and design

A full eBook/Flipbook within seconds.

Even Your Voice…

Ink AI Review: Turn ANYTHING Into eBook Or Flipbook…
No one can read your mind… Until now… ​ Open up your mic, and just tell Ink AI what you’re thinking about… And it will work its magic to create your eBook… It works kinda like Siri and Alexa… Only 100x Better…

The Only AI eBook Creator

You Will Ever Need!

✅ Leverage a better language model than ChatGPT 4 uses.

✅ Instantly create eBook, FlipBook, PDFs, sales presentations, whitepapers, and more. 

✅ Auto generates 100% human-like content plagiarism free.

✅ Prefill your eBook with your links for a massive traffic boost.

✅ Take advantage of our marketplace and get in front of millions of readers. 

✅ Generate unique eBooks that can be sold on Amazon, or anywhere.

✅ Leverage our DFY high ticket offers for massive commissions ($997+)

✅ Take advantage of the built-in 50-in-1 AI features.

✅ Create personalized storybooks with complete illustrations.

✅ 1-click syndicate your eBook to over 50 publications.

Get thousands of buyer clicks within minutes of publishing. 

Your Easiest Promo

In 2023…

Ink AI Review: Turn ANYTHING Into eBook Or Flipbook…
Look… ​ We put all of our efforts into creating Ink AI We spared no effort… From getting the best AI developers out there… ​ To create the best sales copy on the market That is proven to convert and give you a massive EPC…

Here Is A Fraction Of What 
   Ink AI Can Do For You!   

Creating an eBook used to be a very hard task…

Researching, formatting, writing, proofreading, and then designing But all of that is gone with Ink AI…
All you have to do is enter one keyword… And the AI within Ink AI will do everything on your behalf.

You don’t have to worry about Google or anyone detecting that your content is AI generated…

Ink AI doesn’t generate lousy content… 

It’s the only AI app that can generate 100% human-like content… 

That other pay hundreds of dollars for it… 

Your content is 100% unique to you… 

Ink AI doesn’t scrape or reuse content… 

Why would we?

We have the best AI engine in the world that will create unique content on demand for us…

Creating content is only the first step… 

But a plain ebook is boring to the readers… 

And it won’t do you much good… 

But what if you can take that unique content and turn them into beautiful  flipbooks or fully designed eBooks 
You don’t need any designing skills or any special tools… 

Again, AI does that for us. 

Doesn’t matter what niche you’re in… 

AI can research and create the best content possible… 

The content is so good, a human can’t replicate it… 

You don’t have to do any research… 

Ink AI doesn’t create just eBooks… 

With Ink AI you can create much much more

All in less than 40 seconds… 

Instantly create 3D eCover for your eBook without any designing skills 

You don’t need photoshop, Canva, or even hiring a designer… 

All it takes is just a couple of seconds 

And you will have a professional 3d eCover ready.

What’s a story without illustration and graphics to keep the reader entertained? 

This is what Ink AI can do for you with the power of AI 

Don’t wanna generate a new eBook?

Cool, just choose from our 100m+ ready-made articles

In over 220 niches

AI will detect where exactly to insert any link you wanna promote into the eBook… 

You can use it to promote: 

✅ Your affiliate link
✅ Your product
✅ Your eCom store
✅ Your local business 
✅ Your coaching business 
✅ Or anything…

Even if you don’t have something to promote… 

Ink AI comes with DFY high ticket offers that pay $997 per sale 

And you can integrate it with your eBook with no effort

Create an entire eBook based on any question… 

Just ask Ink AI AI any question… 

And it will turn that answer into a full eBook… 

That’s the power of AI

Turn your thoughts into eBooks… 

Ink AI Comes with voice recognition 10x better than Siri and Alexa

Use it to create an eBook even faster than writing a keyword

Don’t wanna publish on Amazon? Or you think it’s not enough?

That’s no issue, Ink AI comes with a built-in marketplace that you can sell your eBooks on… 

And earn big paydays from it… 

This marketplace is visited by millions of users every month and you can easily integrate your Paypal, Stripe, Cards or Bank account to receive payment… 

And you get to keep 100% of the profit.

What’s good for an eBook if you don’t get traffic and sales from it?

This is why we integrated the most robust AI traffic generation feature… 

With just a few clicks, you will get your eBook or flipbook in front of millions of readers… 

Who will happily read and click on your link 

Without paying a penny on ads.

It doesn’t matter if you wanna publish your eBook or not… 

With this feature… 

You can let AI determine which is the best traffic for you… 

And start redirecting it toward you…

With zero effort on your end

With zero dollars spent on ads

Ink AI is NOT “another eBook generator” 

Ink AI is an AI brain that will do everything for you… 

It with a better language model than chatGPT 4 

Which will: 
  • Answer any question
  • Generate articles 
  • Design posters/graphics 
  • Create social media plans 
  • Write ads
  • Summarize any content
  • Write emails for you
  • And so much more

   Watch Demo Here   

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 Do I need any experience to get started?

Ans. None, all you need is just an internet connection. And you’re good to go

Q.2 Is there any monthly cost?

Ans. Depends, If you act now, NONE. But if you wait, you might end up paying $997/mo. It’s up to you.

Q.3 How long does it take to make money?

Ans. Our average member made their first sale the same day they got access to Ink AI

Q.4 Do I need to purchase anything else for it to work?

Ans. Nop, Ink AI is the complete thing. You get everything you need to make it work. Nothing is left behind.

Q.5 What if I failed?

Ans. While that is unlikely, we removed all the risk for you. If you tried Ink AI and failed, we will refund you every cent you paid. And send you $200 on top of that just to apologize for wasting your time.

Q.6 How can I get started?

Ans. Awesome, I like your excitement, All you have to do is click any of the buy buttons on the page, and secure your copy of Ink AI at a one-time fee.

Parveen Insan

Social Media Manager || Professional Blogger || Affiliate Marketer || Business Marketing || Website Developer

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